Company News
December 14, 2019
Zhejiang Dingli won the 2019 Shanghai Securities News listed company "Golden Quality • Sustainable Growth" Award!
On December 13th, the”Innovate China's value and build China's strength(创新中国价值 构筑中国力量)” , 2019 High Quality Development Forum for listed companies and the "Golden Quality" award ceremony, sponsored by Shanghai Securities News, was held in Shanghai.
Zhejiang Dingli has been awarded the "Golden Quality·Sustainable Growth" award for its strong development resilience and strong growth momentum.
Award Ceremony

"Golden Quality·Sustainable Growth" Award
Listed companies are the cornerstone of the capital market, and their growth force is the soul of the company, the motive force and embodiment of the vitality of the stock market, and one of the core indicators of the resilience of the capital market.
This honor, all highlight the development potential of Zhejiang Dingli and brand strength. For more than a decade, Zhejiang Dingli has continued to exert its strength and achieved a steady growth in performance.In the future, Dingli also will persevere and make persistent efforts to repay the majority of investors with better performance.