● Performance+
1. Industry Leading Platform Capacity - Maximum increase up to 45% compared to the original model
2. Side and Rear Forklift Pockets - Multiple choices for transport efficiency
3. Lithium-Ion Battery with Long Duty Cycle and Fast Recharging - High-density battery pack with five-year warranty
4. High Strength Damage Resistant Tyres Compound - Double the life compared to conventional tyres
● Reliability+
5.Integrated Four-in-One Motor Controller - 40% reduction in connections and harnesses
6.New Platform Control Box - The durability of the touch pad is greatly improved, the new surface cleans easily, and the display is three times larger
7.Reliable Load Sensing System - Less affected by temperature and friction, scissor angle sensor reliability improvement
● Environment+
8. Hydraulic Oil Leak Containment - For applications with zero leak tolerance
9. Electric Actuator Steering System - No hydraulic oil, faster steering speed and 66% reduction in energy consumption
10. Gravity Down Energy Recovery System - Battery charge regeneration during platform descent
11. Highest Efficiency Electric Drive System - 15% decrease in energy consumption and higher power density
12. Highest Efficiency Electric Lift Pump System - 20% decrease in energy consumption and higher power density